LAB (實驗室)

Lab Space (實驗室空間)

Instrument and Equipment (儀器設備)

實體顯微鏡 (Stereomicroscope, Olympus SZX16, with fiber optic illuminator and camera)

螢光顯微鏡 (Fluorescent Microscope, Olympus BX61, with DIC, Mirror unit: U-MNU2, U-MWBV2, U-MWIG2, U-MWIBA2)

顯微注射系統 (Microinjection system, Nikon eclipse Ti2 with adapter, InjectMan 4, TranferMan 4r, PiezoXpert, CellTran 4r Air and Oil)

高通量斑馬魚行為觀察箱 (ZebraBox Revolution, ViewPoint)
斑馬魚飼養系統缸 (Zebrafish housing system)
魚類游泳通道 (Swim Tunnel, Loligo Systems, SW10020, 170mL)
無菌操作台 (Laminar Flow)
排煙櫃 (Chemical Fume Hood)
秤量配藥區 (Precision balance, pH meter, and magnetic stirrer)
DNA/RNA電泳設備 (DNA/RNA gel electrophoresis equipment)
紫外光及藍光照膠系統 (UV / blue light box and photography equipment)
蛋白質電泳模組 (Protein Electrophoresis and Blotting equipment – Bio-Rad)
聚合酶連鎖反應儀 (PCR Thermocycler, Biometra, T3000 )
電穿孔式DNA轉殖儀 (Electro Cell Manipulator, BTX, ECM630)
超音波破碎機 (Microson ultrasonic cell disruptor, Misonix)
植物培養箱、細胞破碎機 (Plant Growth Chamber and Thermo Scientific French Press Cell Disrupter)
高速離心機 (High-speed refrigerated centrifuge, Hitachi, HIMAC CENTRIFUGE SCR20BB)
超高速冷凍離心機 (Micro Ultracentrifuge, Hitachi, himac CS 150GXL)